Essential Hookah Accessories

To enjoy a great smoking session, you can't go wrong with a hookah. In addition to a bowl and a stem, there are a number of other accessories you can purchase. The hookah mouthpiece is one of the most essential hookah accessories, as it is the part that is used for inhaling the shisha smoke. The hose can be easily cleaned and is held in place by a hose port on the stem.

The purge valve is another essential hookah accessory. It's an important component that many smokers don't consider until something breaks. Without a working purge valve, your hookah won't work properly. To avoid this problem, look for a high quality shisha purge Wholesale hookah accessories  valve that will hold up over time. Cleaning brushes are also essential. You should purchase two different cleaning brushes - one thin, short, and fork-shaped, and one thick, wide brush for use on the stem and bowl.

A hookah tray is a must-have accessory. It protects the area around the hookah from the flames when you smoke shisha. It's made of plastic or metal and sits on top of the stem shaft. Some people prefer large and comfortable hookah trays, while others prefer a smaller, more comfortable one. No matter what, your shisha will be safe with a tray.

A shisha purge valve is another essential hookah accessory. Unfortunately, many smokers don't realize this until their shisha stops working. If it breaks, your hookah won't work properly. Fortunately, shisha purge valves are available in various materials and are inexpensive. Aside from hoses, hookah users should also purchase two brushes to clean their shisha pipes. One should be long and thin, while the other should be shorter and thick.

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